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Unwanted Promises of God

Freedom was promised. Peace was promised. Land, a nation, and power were all promised to Abraham's descendants, Exodus 1:8-14. In truth, the promise of Israelite slavery was every bit as real as the promise the Hebrew slaves would one day go free. That often forgotten guarantee goes all the way back to the night Abraham’s covenant with the LORD was formed, Genesis 15. The Lord never denies battles lie ahead. Scripture explicitly tells us testing will come, James 1:2-4,

Isaiah 48:10. The flood, the famine, and the captivity in Egypt were all unwanted promises of God, Genesis 6, and 41. God is not surprised. He sees our suffering, before it exists. Sometimes pain is part of the plan. As believers, that is the deal we accepted. Eternity is what we accepted. Picking up crosses, we handed the Savior broken lives saying, "Do with them what you will." Thankfully, a God big enough to know trials are coming, knows how to free, how to comfort, and how to refresh. By warning hard times wait ahead, the Lord compassionately offers the assurance that He is with us, He cares, and He sees every tear, Psalms 56:8-11. That is Worth Remembering.

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