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Finding Hope in Obedience: The Significance of Easter Saturday Luke 23:56

They loved Him. They believed Him. They believed in Him. Still, Jesus was dead and there was work to do. It wasn't just any work. Anointing Jesus's with oils and spices needed to be done. Still, they rested. Why?

In the countdown from Palm Sunday to he resurrection, many observe Maundy Thursday, or Good Friday. Countless faithful look towards Easter. Unfortunately, most act as if nothing of more spiritual depth than an occasional egg hunt took place on that Passover Sabbath. They are so wrong.

On that day before the resurrection, a nation memorialized the march out of Egypt and deliverance from death in the middle of the sea. Likely overwhelmed by grief and fear, women devastated by death did a few things. They obeyed God. They rested. They gathered with other believers. As the city battled over the meaning of their Savior's death, wondering who would be next, keeping the Sabbath especially during Passover meant stepping back from everything else, including caring for the body of Jesus, and spending time with God's people.

Aware the cross was coming, the Lord declared you need rest, Exodus 20:8-11. Knowing He had come to lay down His life, Jesus announced the sabbath was made for mankind,

Mark 2:27. In the shadow of the cross, the Savior's words whispered to the women, my body will wait, you need rest. In the face of fear, confusion, and devastation, when finding hope seemed impossible, faithful women did what they knew to do. They obeyed God. They rested. They gathered together. How incredible is a God who would die for us then say, "You need rest." That is Worth Remembering.

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