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Feeding the Hungry...Jesus Did More

Updated: Sep 20, 2023

"Surely, this must be the Prophet who is come into the world," John 6:14. Through out their history, God's people had experienced miracles. Why would providing lunch for for 5,000 households evoke such specific language?

Elijah multiplied flour and oil for the widow and son from Jezebel's homeland. Suffering under judgement for the idolatry the wicked queen advanced, the openhanded Gentile received mercy and life, 1 Kings 17:7-16. Jesus did more.

Elisha multiplied 20 barley loaves to feed 100. Despite resistance from his servant and a famine in the land, Elisha saw the offering given by the man from Baal Shalishah and declared there would be leftovers, 2 Kings 4:42-44. Jesus did more.

Moses told the people the LORD would send bread from heaven, Exodus 16:4. The reluctant leader also explain the LORD would send a prophet who did things like they had seen Moses do, Deuteronomy 18:15-18. Perhaps that is why some seemed to expect the bread to keep coming, John 6:26-34. All the signs were there. This was the one Moses promised would come. Still, Jesus did more.

Jesus did not simply provide bread from heaven, feeding the hungry. Jesus announced He was bread from heaven, John 6:35. As the season of unleavened bread approached, Jesus declared to the people he was the sinless sustenance present for a people desperate to be delivered from bondage. That's Worth Remembering.

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