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Encountering an All Caps LORD

Generally speaking, young Americans seem more averse to capitalization than any generation before them. Previous generations rarely thought about upper case letters. Occasionally, they may have chosen them for emphasis. Using the caps lock key these days is likely to find the message itself dismissed and inspire responses like:


"Wow, that was strong."


"Why are you yelling?"

"Please, stop."

With the current emotion towards big letters, as believers, it is interesting that we serve an all caps LORD. When translators searched for a way to translate the reverential name of God into English, LORD fit. Over 6,000 times in the Old Testament God's name, YHWH, is represented as LORD.

Psalms 95:1 calls us to celebrate the LORD our Rock. In Psalm 23:1, the LORD is described as our shepherd, the one who defends and provides. At the burning bush, the LORD described himself as "I AM", the One who will be what He will be. If you want to understand how foundational that is, try to form a sentence without a being verb. We are told the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom and our attitude towards Him will determine blessing or suffering, Proverbs 9:10-12. Encountering an all powerful eternal all caps LORD should make us uncomfortable, even frightened. Like Moses at the burning bush, we must be willing to draw close despite our discomfort and hear His voice. That is Worth Remembering.

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