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A Sign for You

A God who is everywhere is on both sides of every door. The Lord did not need painted planks. The hearts in every home in Egypt were known to Him. In Exodus 12, scripture declares, “The blood will be a sign for you…” It was a gift. Bathing doorposts in blood offered no new understanding to the creator of life. The One who directs the universe needs no directions from passengers on His planet. Captives craved certainty. Crimson beams offered evidence God could be trusted to protect, to judge, to keep His word. Captors required evidence. Their deities had been demolished, but a true God remained. The Lord lacks nothing. He was never in danger of passing over or through the wrong home. God knows. Signs are for us. Our Saviour stands by us while resting on the far side of doors He slammed shut. The Lord reigns where our hearts long to be as he drags us down roads we unwillingly face. As we wring our hands rehearsing our "what ifs" and "could haves", our Master remains at peace. Our path may be painful. It probably won't be pretty, but God who loves is there on both sides of every door. That is Worth Remembering.

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1 comentario

05 oct 2023

Oh wow. This is so good. My heart needed to hear this today.

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