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Julie West is an author, Bible teacher, and media personality. In addition to being an on-air personality at Z88.3 in Orlando, she has been featured on Fox News, the Michael DelGiorno Show, WTLW TV44, and many other media outlets. Julie holds degrees in Theology and Youth Ministries with additional studies in counseling and cross-cultural communications. She and her husband have three grown children and a perfect grandson.

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Exiting Egypt


Born out of obedience, the Exodus began the moment Moses slipped off his shoes in the wilderness. Freedom is a very real spiritual issue, which tends to follow brave obedience. The whole of scripture recounts God's unrelenting battle to set mankind free every bondage. Our Creator longs for us to be free, because He formed us to be like Him.


Exiting Egypt presents neglected truths in compelling ways  using God's Word and personal illustrations. While digging into timeless texts, Exiting Egypt addresses contemporary issues like depression, family rejection, and the argument "I was born this way." 


Being a story of transformation, the text highlights micro-adjustments made in submission to God, which remade a hesitant exile into the legendary law giver. As Moses allowed himself to be changed, a nation was freed.


Moses was not called to work miracles. He was called to obey and watch what God would do. That promise stands. Freedom waits. Watch. Obey. See what God will do to transform lives and free captives desperate to exit their own Egypts.

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Julie's Story

Shortly before the beginning of the COVID lockdowns, as she was facing multiple life threatening diagnoses, Julie West  sat down to write what she thought would be a simple Bible study. Eventually, her efforts would develop into "Exiting Egypt, Lessons from the Life of an Exiled Prince". In the midst of her work, Julie would do more than write about the Exodus narrative. She would come to feel she was living it.


When their youngest child left for college, Julie and her husband Ket moved from Franklin, TN and the world they had known, to a new life and state that were not her own.  As renovations ripped down walls in her new home, Julie's health began to collapse. A large abdominal tumor, lymphoma, systemic sarcoidosis, POTS related to Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, and lupus were among the diagnoses she began to receive. Soon, breathing felt impossible. Pain and exhaustion were constant. Doctor's appointments lasted for days in distant cities. The outlook was already grim. Then, her vision began to fail. After learning blindness was a very real possibility, Julie began to experience multiple bouts of "spontaneous deafness".


Suddenly, the woman who had been known as a radio personality, Bible teacher,  political activist and commentator, artist, and homeschool mom was forced to contemplate life on the backside of the wilderness without sight or sound. Through it all, Jesus was there . Like Elijah in Cherith, Joash in the temple, and Moses in Midian, Julie learned what it meant to be hidden for God. In those days of suffering and isolation, Julie experienced  Jesus, His Word and the peace that passes understanding more deeply than ever before.  


As Julie moved forward in obedience, illness, doctors indicated was her new normal, gradually faded away. Although, genetic conditions remain, working, driving, standing, speaking became possible once again. Today, the woman who was struggling to breath and speak just a few years ago hosts shows on top rated Orlando's Z88.3, to the glory of God.


Although, "Exiting Egypt"  was birthed during the pandemic, Julie's desire to share truth began much earlier. 

​As a child, Julie spent many years in Bethel, Ohio where her grandfather both pastored and served as mayor. It was this exposure to the role of faith in all areas of life that made her passionate about both theology and the part believers art to play in every area of life, including government. In addition to ministering in multiple church and ministry roles, Julie has served on-air as talent for Orlando's Z 88.3, WTLW's "Straight Talk" and "Turning Point", The Fish, and other media outlets. 


She became involved in the political world over a decade ago after being the first parent to appear at a textbook depository and demand to examine the curriculum used to teach her children. As a result, Julie made multiple appearances on Fox News and she became a regular guest on the Michael DelGiorno Show.  She  has also  written legislation, testified at government hearings, and advocated for causes and candidates in support of faith and family.


In addition, Julie has traveled as a featured speaker with "She Will Conferences", and continues to serve as a favorite Bible teacher for many events and organizations. Wherever she goes, Julie proclaims the message from Galatians 5:1, "It is for freedom Christ sets you free".  



Dave Ramsey 

best selling author and radio host

This is not your felt-board, Sunday-school version of Baby Moses floating down the Nile. Julie dives deep into the story of Moses and helps us see and learn from a reluctant leader powerfully transformed by his obedience to God. Exiting Egypt calls us all to walk in greater faith.

Reggie Dabbs

author, minister, media personality

Julie West exceptional storytelling and attention to detail make a compelling read. The book not only provides a fascinating account of Moses’ life but also offers valuable insights into the human experience and the potential for personal growth and transformation. By drawing parallels between Moses’ circumstances and our own, West encourages readers to reflect on their own lives and find inspiration in the resilience and determination displayed by Moses.

Krystal Parker 

President U.S. Christian 

Chamber of Commerce

Exiting Egypt: Lessons From the Life of an Exiled Prince by Julie West offers a captivating journey through the story of Moses and the Exodus. With fresh insights and engaging storytelling, West reveals the transformative power of obedience to God. Her book is not just a historical retelling but a call to action for believers today, reminding us that freedom follows obedience. Through humor and wisdom, West brings the story of Moses to life, leaving readers with a deeper understanding of God’s faithfulness and a renewed sense of purpose in their own faith journey.

JWLKRS Worship

 recording artists, ministers, social media influencers


"Exiting Egypt" immerses readers in the powerful narrative of Moses and the Israelites deliverance from Pharaoh and Egypt showcasing the unstoppable nature of God's plan and purpose. Julie's insightful exploration of this timeless story serves as a timely reminder that true fulfillment and purpose are found in surrendering to God and trusting in His divine plan.  

Victoria Jackson

Christian comedian, author,

actress, SNL alum

If you want to savor the Word of God and deepen your knowledge of the Lord, you will devour this unique study of the salvation of God’s chosen people shuffling, falling and sprinting toward the Promised Land.

Big Questions
the Book


How did  life threatening diagnoses inspire you to write this book?


Why do you say the friends, the frogs, and the family are key to understanding the Exodus story? 


Why is freedom an important spiritual issue?

How is family tragedy hidden in the Exodus genealogy? 



What does the LORD's treatment of a scrub bush say about how he deals with us?


What surprising historical details are omitted from the Exodus story? Why?

What shocking details are included in the Exodus account?


You call your website and blog "Worth Remembering"; what inspired that name?


How does the Exodus narrative destroy the argument, "I was born this way?


What specifically was Moses called to do?


Big Questions
the Author


How did life threatening diagnoses inspire you to write this book?


How did the looming threat of blindness deepen your Bible study? 


Can you remember a time when the peace you had surprised doctors?

Why did reports from doctors make you feel bad for them? 



Why don't you consider your response brave? 


Which of the plagues did you most  relate to in your illness and isolation?


How did the Exodus genealogy bless to you? 


What words of comfort would offer to someone
with a rare or scary diagnosis?


In what way do you, Moses, and every believer
have the same calling? 


I'm always interested in hearing about new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


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